


Peruvian legislation, in accordance with international standards, establishes that the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, reception or retention of children or adolescents for the purpose of exploitation of any kind is considered trafficking in persons. Consequently, this activity will be punished with
imprisonment, according to the magnitude of the crime. Therefore, the general objective of the study was to
determine the relationship between trafficking in minors and citizen security in Metropolitan Lima, 2016”.
The method employed in the study is descriptive correlational. It is descriptive in terms of its methodological
scope because it aims to know precisely the magnitude of a situation, hierarchize the problems, identify its
variables and point out the guidelines for hypothesis testing. And it is correlational because it relates child
trafficking with citizen security. The most important result is presented in the general conclusion, which revolved around the main modalities of child trafficking, related to citizen security, are: sexual exploitation of
minors, illicit drug trafficking and forced child labor.


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How to Cite

CHILD TRAFFICKING AND CITIZEN SECURITY. CASE METROPOLITAN LIMA, 2016. (2021). Revista De Ciencia E Investigación En Defensa - CAEN, 2(2), 06-18.