Impact of mining and Illegal Felling on Development and National Security




Illegal mining, Logging, Pollution, Strategy, Social conflicts


The study allows an immersion within the scientific research process in that it presents a qualitative
approach by achieving the construction of knowledge based on the rigor of the lines of analysis represent
both illegal logging and mining for proper social development and the implementation of national security
policies, as pollution rates and areas have increased in recent years pollution rates and areas of ecosystem
alteration have increased in recent years, areas where these practices are conducted outside the law. So the
main objective is to identify the effects of both illegal activities for the articulation of strategies to counter
the damage caused in the environment, but especially on the most vulnerable populations.
In this context, a call is made to the integral consciousness of these illicit operators, whose actions deserve to be punished rigorously. A way to deal with these activities consists on the dissemination of intellectual
activities, through generating the visibility of the high impact of scientific products. The research is the result
of a systematic search of bibliographic references, globally recognized indexed journals during the periods
2017, 2018, 2019, within the framework of the policy of dissemination and research on operations outside the
law of these harmful and dangerous practices, with the aim of disseminating intellectual creation, teaching
and research production, scientific knowledge and strategic thinking.
This theme is part of a situation so complex that manifests itself through various economic, ecological
and environmental phenomena for the sustainability of the plant and the Peruvian territory that deserve to
be addressed from a methodological and scientific perspective.

Author Biography

  • Maria del Pilar Anto Rubio, San Martin de Porres University

    Docente e investigadora en las áreas de Política Económica Internacional y Desarrollo Sostenible. Es Economista de profesión, Maestra en Ciencias (MSc) en Ingeniería de Producción de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro y Doctora en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible en la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.


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How to Cite

Impact of mining and Illegal Felling on Development and National Security. (2020). Revista De Ciencia E Investigación En Defensa - CAEN, 1(2), 50-60.

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