National Cyber Security System Against the Cyber Attacks as threat to National Security




IT Security audit, Cibersecurity, Ethical hacking, Information security


The objective of the investigation was to analyze the National Cyber Security System against Cyber
attacks as a threat to National Security; Of course, the study is intended to generate contributions that
contribute to the solution of the problem presented; Regarding the methodology used, it can be noted that
it has been descriptive, non-experimental descriptive correlational design, as results it is appreciated that
it is necessary to seek to develop the strengthening of education, training and development of professional
training lines of Cybersecurity specialists, in addition, awareness of cybersecurity should be established in
all phases of the academic and professional training of the citizen.


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How to Cite

National Cyber Security System Against the Cyber Attacks as threat to National Security. (2020). Revista De Ciencia E Investigación En Defensa - CAEN, 1(2), 43-48.

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